The Cru MPD Podcast
We love that “the Lord commanded that those who proclaim the gospel should get their living by the gospel.” We are driven to equip and inspire Christian workers to be Christ-centered, fully-funded, and financially faithful - so that missionary staff can come alongside all people to help them to know Jesus.
68 episodes
12 Days of MPD Christmas 2024
We are excited to host the 12 Days of MPD Christmas again this year! Here is a link to the
Ep. 67: MPD While on Assignment
Join Emily and Mark as they talk with the Kentucky Bluegrass Team about what it looks like for them to work on MPD while on assignment.
Ep.66: MPD + Stewardship Pt. 2 with Jason Burris
Join Tammy and Mark as they chat with Jason Burris about his stewardship practices and how that relates to MPD.
Ep.65: MPD + Stewardship
Tune in as Emily and Josh talk with Scott Kelsay about current stewardship realities and MPD!
Ep. 64: MPD Offerings for Senior Staff
Happy New Year! 2024! Are you thinking about what your MPD habits should be this year? Are you wondering what kind of offerings we have for our staff in MPD? Join us as we talk a bit about some of the MPD offerings for staff they can do on thei...
Ep. 63: 12 Days of MPD Christmas Challenge Winners
Tune in today to hear who won each day of the 12 Days of MPD Christmas and who won the grand prize for completing all 12 days. Also, hear how God moved as people took steps of faith in their MPD this December.
Ep. 62: 12 Days of MPD Christmas Challenge Day 7-12
We are back with the 12 Days of MPD Christmas Challenge Day 7-12. Join us as we continue to share what the remainder of the challenges will be. As a reminder,
Ep. 61: 12 Days of MPD Christmas Challenge
Join us for a 12 day MPD challenge this Christmas! We are kicking off December with the 12 days of MPD Christmas Challenge. Each day we will have a new challenge for you. If you complete that challenge by the end of that day and fill out
Ep. 60: MPD During the Holidays with Kyle and Rachael Fadeley
Anyone wonder how you could be doing MPD during the holidays? Join Josh and Mike as they talk with Kyle and Rachael Fadeley about how they approach MPD during the holidays!
Ep. 59: Raising Support Within the Same Family with Mike Rhodes and Becky Rhodes
Join Katie and Mike as they chat with Mike's sister Becky about her and Mike's experience growing up as missionary kids and what it was like to raise support at the same time as someone in your family raises support.
Ep. 58: MPD as a Staff Member Serving in a Part Time Capacity With Chris Cushman
Join Josh Ferguson and Katie Johnson as they talk with Chris Cushman about how she balances MPD with serving on staff in a part time capacity.
Ep. 57: MPD ReConnect with Nicholas Tifft
Join Tammy Doci and Katie Johnson as they talk with fellow Cru staff, Nicholas Tifft, about his experience participating in Summer ReConnect this past summer.
EP. 56: Mindset in MPD with Duncan Parlett
Join Michele (before she transitioned off staff) and Katie as they talk with Duncan this week about how he continues to point staff he is coaching to Jesus and time in the Word.
Ep. 55 Mindset in MPD with David Lowry
Join Michele (recorded before her transition) and Katie as they talk with MPD Coach David Lowry about being in the word in MPD. Find David's MPD Devotionals here.<...
Ep. 54 End-of-Year Ask Checklist with Kevin Eaton and Melody Hatcher
Join Katie and Emily as they chat with Kevin and Melody about a new resource to help you with your End-of-Year Ask! You can find the EOYA Checklist here.
Ep. 53: New Hosts Introduction
Join Katie Johnson as she talks and introduces the new team of hosts for the Cru MPD Podcast!
Ep. 52: Michele's Transition
Michele Davis is full of wisdom and years of experience in MPD. Join Michele as she shares about a recent transition and all about her 21 years of raising support.
Ep. 51 : Coaches Roundtable: SOSA Replay
Pete Smith joins Katie and Michele as they all talk about something they have in common: all three are married to someone who does not work with Cru. How has this impacted their MPD? How does it impact their staff life? Do these three coache...
Ep. 50 : MPD Stories: Intern Advocacy Replay
Part of our MPD Stories series, today’s episode tells a story of two interns who were a part of the 2021 Intern MPD season that saw 100% report rate for the first time ever. We explain what we mean about advocacy in MPD, and how this played a k...
Ep. 49 : Raising Support While on Assignment with Ryan McReynolds Replay
Is it really possible to see success in MPD while remaining on full-time assignment? Ryan McReynolds would answer a hearty "Yes!" Listen as he shares how The 4 Disciplines of Execution have helped him and his wife, Alex, achieve focus, experien...
Ep. 48 : Coaches Roundtable: New Year, New You...New MPD Replay
Need a bit of a pep talk for MPD in the new year? Cue AIA MPD Coaches Brent Batiste and Mark Hammitt! They join Michele and Katie for an encouraging and visionary convo about setting goals that are full of faith and grace. Can we make progre...
Ep. 47: MPD for Capacity Staff with Matt Griffith
Join Katie as she talks with Matt all about what it is like to do MPD as a missionary staff who serve in an office role.
Ep. 46: Marriage and MPD with Ally and Chandler Duhaime
Raising support as newlyweds...what a way to start a marriage and a ministry! Chandler and Ally Duhaime fill Katie and Michele in on their experiences with this as they prepare for campus ministry in New Hampshire.